Overview of Course
Discussion and exploration of subcutaneous fluid administration as a safe and viable option to provide hydration in end of life care settings where prescribed and considered appropriate. Participants will learn about suitable client groups for this mode of treatment, ethical issues, calculations of drip flow rate, equipment required, skin site choice, procedure and local policy.
Aims of Course
The aim of this course is to provide nurses with a comprehensive overview of the key principles of Administration of Subcutaneous Fluids safely in long term care and acute settings.
Course Objectives
The expected outcome of this day is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge to safely and effectively manage subcutaneous fluid administration.
Target Audience
This course is open to nurses and healthcare practitioners from a variety of settings including long term residential care facilities, hospitals, intellectual disability services and community settings
Course Curriculum
- Aims of this Programme
- Subcutaneous Fluid Administration
- Subcutaneous Fluid Administrarion Guidelines
- Consent
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Indications for Use
- Contraindications
- Important to rememer!
- Site Selection
- Types of Infusion Fluids for Subcutaneous Administration
- Volume infused over 24 hours
- Equipment Required
- Overview of Procedure
- List of References
- Introduction
- Definition
- Prevalence of Dehydration in Institutional Care
- Consequences of Dehydration
- Risk Factors for Dehydration
- Normal Fluid Intake
- Diagnostic Tests for Dehydration
- Presentation of Dehydration
- Prevention of Dehydration in Residential Care
- More Useful Clinical Signs of Dehydration
- Specific Circumstances
- Treatment of Dehydration
- Dehydration in Terminal Care
- End of Life Care
- References
- Quiz
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